Thibaut Divoux

Thibaut Divoux Born: August 5, 1981
Citizenship: French
Married, one child

Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon (UMR CNRS 5672)
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46, allée d’Italie, F-69364 LYON CEDEX 07, FRANCE
Office MA 010
Office phone number: +33 4 72 72 83 75

Email: thibaut.divoux at

  • Current situation

  • Previous professional experiences

  • Education

    • 2019 Habilitation Thesis - "On the yielding dynamics of amorphous soft solids"
      Paris Diderot Univerity (France)
      2006-2009 Ph.D. Thesis - "Noise, fluctuations and flows of complex fluids"
      Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS Lyon (France)
      2005-2006 Agrégation de Physique at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France)
      Competitive exam to join ENS Cachan
      2002-2005 Undergraduate studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (France)
      2005: Msc in Fluid dynamics - Univ. Paris 6/ENS/X
      4 months internship @LPS, Paris (France)
      2004: Bsc (Maîtrise de Physique) - ENS/Univ. Paris 6
      8 months internship @NLPL, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
      2003: Bsc (License de Physique) - ENS/Univ. Paris 6
      2 months internship @LPS, Paris (France)
  • Awards

  • Main contracts & funding

    • 2022 LABEX iMUST - Project MEMORY effects in Soft Glassy Materials: designing microstructure by shear history (152 k€)
      2022 R&D Saint-Gobain Recherche - including a 6 month M2 internship (17 k€)
      2021 R&D Biomérieux (15 k€)
      2021 R&D Biomérieux including a 6 month M2 internship (30 k€)
      2021 FRAMA - AAP d’Investissement - From microscopic precursors to macroscopic failure in gels (17 k€)
      2020 CNRS TREMPLIN INP - Tailoring the properties of cementitious materials with power ultrasound (17 k€)
      2018 Boston Consulate Subsidy
      Organization of seminars at MIT. Follow up of MOPGA Grant (2.4 k€)
      2018 MOPGA Grant - French Embassy (Washington) + PSL Univ. / MIT
      Main organisator of an international 3-day workshop at MIT on soft “green” materials - 50 attendee (26 k$)
      2017 Research Grant on the nano and micro texture of bitumen - funding for a postdoc for 2 years with R.J.M. Pellenq (354 k$)
      2017 Postdoctoral fellowship funded by IdEx Bordeaux – CNRS (2 years) on surface shear rheology of protein gels (110 k€)
      2016 MIT-France seed fund on the shear-induced structuration in attractive gels with J.W. Swan, G.H. McKinley N. Taberlet and S. Manneville (21.3 k$)
      2015 PEPS CNRS/ IDEX Bordeaux (23.6 k€)
      2015 PICS USA with G.H. McKinley and S. Manneville (12 k€)
      2015 MIT-France seed fund on the rheology of protein gels with G.H. McKinley, and S. Manneville (22 k$)
      2014 BioMérieux R&D with P. Snabre (168 k€)
      2014 Beam time allocated @ID02-ESRF
      2014 PEPS PTI with S. Manneville (5 k€)
      2013 France-Berkeley Fund with S. Lerouge and S.J. Muller (9 k$)
      2013 BioMérieux R&D with P. Snabre and S. Manneville (54 k€)
      2011 Marie Curie grant FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IOF (225 k€)
      (declined for a CNRS position)
  • Examiner & Jury

    • 2012-2017 Admission examiner X-ENS-ESPCI schools (section PC)
      2010-2014 Admission examiner TIPE oral exam (section PC)